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Applying EBS Latest CPU through ECPUC

Applying EBS Latest CPU JUL-2023 through EBS Critical Patch Update Checker (ECPUC)


Hello everyone, in today’s blog post, I am excited to introduce you to the latest addition in the world of utilities – the EBS Critical Patch Update Checker (ECPUC). With its official release accompanying the July 2023 CPU, this utility brings some valuable functionalities to your EBS environment. It is highly recommended incorporating ECPUC into your system to benefit from the following features:

  1. Assess your EBS environment’s current CPU patch level accurately.
  2. Identify any necessary EBS CPU patches and essential security fixes required for your specific environment.

To get your hands on ECPUC, you can find it packaged with Patch 35583866. Detailed instructions for running ECPUC can be found in the README.txt file that comes along with the patch. Don’t miss out on this valuable tool to enhance the security and performance of your EBS environment!”


Steps to Run EBS Critical Patch Update Checker (ECPUC)


Step 1. Download and unzip the latest ECPUC provided with Patch 35583866.


– It is important to always download the latest ECPUC.

– If you run ECPUC against an environment at a later EBS CPU level than the ECPUC, you will receive the following error message: “Environment EBS CPU level xxx is later than the EBS  CPU checker version xxxx. Please download Patch 35583866 for the latest version of the ECPUC”.

[oracle@test2 ~]$ mkdir -p ecpuc

[oracle@test2 ~]$ mv p35583866_R12_GENERIC.zip epuc/

[oracle@test2 ~]$ cd ecpuc/

[oracle@test2 ecpuc]$ unzip p35583866_R12_GENERIC.zip



Step 2. Log in to the primary EBS application tier node as the EBS owner.



Step 3. On the primary EBS application tier node, source the run environment.

[oracle@test2 ~]$ . ./EBSapps.env run


  E-Business Suite Environment Information


  RUN File System           : /u01/oracle/PROD/fs1/EBSapps/appl

  PATCH File System         : /u01/oracle/PROD/fs2/EBSapps/appl

  Non-Editioned File System : /u01/oracle/PROD/fs_ne


  DB Host: test2.example.com  Service/SID: PROD

  Sourcing the RUN File System …



Step 4. Change the Directory to the unzip patch location.

 [oracle@test2 ~]$ cd ecpuc/

[oracle@test2 ecpuc]$ ll

total 52

-rw-r–r–. 1 oracle oinstall 33851 Jul 10 14:52 ECPUC.sql

-rw-r–r–. 1 oracle oinstall  5620 Jul 29 23:31 p35583866_R12_GENERIC.zip

-rw-r–r–. 1 oracle oinstall  5764 Jul 10 14:51 Readme.txt



Step 5. Connect to the Database as the APPS User.

[oracle@test2 ecpuc]$ sqlplus apps

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Sat Jul 29 23:37:11 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:

Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options




Step 6. Run ECPUC.sql while connected as APPS to the database


Start Time: 29-07-2023 23:37:43


E-Business Suite Critical Patch Update Checker (ECPUC)

ECPUC.sql may be run on any EBS 12.2 environment to identify missing

patches that are in the latest EBS CPU.


You can download the latest version of ECPUC via Patch 35583866.


Refer to the README.txt in Patch 35583866 for instructions for running

ECPUC and information regarding the generated ECPUC.lst report.


The checker generates the report ECPUC.lst that lists all the

recommended EBS CPU patches and security fixes for your environment

per Table 1 ‘CPU Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite’ and

Table 2 ‘Additional Patches Required’ documented in the

quarterly EBS CPU MOS Note.


Each quarterly EBS CPU MOS Note ID is unique. Refer to

My Oracle Support (MOS) Knowledge Document 2484000.1,

‘Identifying the Latest Critical Patch Update for Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12′ which includes a link to the current EBS CPU MOS document.






EBS CPU Checker Version





SECTION-2 Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): Instance Information



Instance Summary


EBS Release EBS CPU Level

———– ————-

12.2.12     2022.07

Instance Name    Database         Database Version

—————- —————- ——————

PROD             PROD   

ATG Product  Product Name                             Code Level

———— —————————————- ———-

ad           Applications DBA                         C.14

txk          Oracle Applications Technology Stack     C.14

atg_pf       Oracle Applications Technology Family    C.11

fwk          Oracle Applications Framework            C.11


SECTION-3 Required EBS CPU and Security Fixes



The following output is a list of patches and security fixes for this EBS CPU

that are missing in your environment.

It is recommended that you apply all of the listed patches as soon as possible.

If no patches (no rows) are listed then no additional action is required

at this time as your environment includes all patches for this EBS CPU.


The following patches are required for this EBS CPU









6 rows selected.


currently spooling to ECPUC.lst

Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options



Step 7. Review the ECPUC.sql output to determine the following:


EBS CPU Checker Version



SECTION-2 Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): Instance Information

EBS Release EBS CPU Level

———– ————-

12.2.12     2022.07

Instance Name    Database         Database Version

—————- —————- ——————

PROD             PROD   

ATG Product  Product Name                             Code Level

———— —————————————- ———-

ad           Applications DBA                         C.14

txk          Oracle Applications Technology Stack     C.14

atg_pf       Oracle Applications Technology Family    C.11

fwk          Oracle Applications Framework            C.11

SECTION-3 Required EBS CPU and Security Fixes

The following patches are required for this EBS CPU










Step 7. Apply the Patches Provided in the ECPUC.lst of ECPUC Report.

[oracle@test2 ~]$  adop phase=prepare

[oracle@test2 35385938]$ adop phase=apply patches=35385938

[oracle@test2 ~]$ adop phase=apply patches=34291981,34904578,35355095,35370343,34744189 merge=yes

[oracle@test2 12.1.0]$ adop phase=finalize,cutover,cleanup



Step 8. After applying patches reported in ECPUC.lst, run ECPUC again to confirm the patches have been applied to your Environment.

[oracle@test2 ~]$ . ./EBSapps.env run

  E-Business Suite Environment Information


  RUN File System           : /u01/oracle/PROD/fs2/EBSapps/appl

  PATCH File System         : /u01/oracle/PROD/fs1/EBSapps/appl

  Non-Editioned File System : /u01/oracle/PROD/fs_ne


  DB Host: test2.example.com  Service/SID: PROD


  Sourcing the RUN File System …


[oracle@test2 ~]$ cd ecpuc/

[oracle@test2 ecpuc]$ sqlplus apps/apps

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Fri Aug 4 21:45:35 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:

Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options




Start Time: 04-08-2023 22:17:27


E-Business Suite Critical Patch Update Checker (ECPUC)


ECPUC.sql may be run on any EBS 12.2 environment to identify missing

patches that are in the latest EBS CPU.


You can download the latest version of ECPUC via Patch 35583866.


Refer to the README.txt in Patch 35583866 for instructions for running

ECPUC and information regarding the generated ECPUC.lst report.


The checker generates the report ECPUC.lst that lists all the

recommended EBS CPU patches and security fixes for your environment

per Table 1 ‘CPU Patches for Oracle E-Business Suite’ and

Table 2 ‘Additional Patches Required’ documented in the

quarterly EBS CPU MOS Note.


Each quarterly EBS CPU MOS Note ID is unique. Refer to

My Oracle Support (MOS) Knowledge Document 2484000.1,

‘Identifying the Latest Critical Patch Update for Oracle E-Business Suite

Release 12′ which includes a link to the current EBS CPU MOS document.






EBS CPU Checker Version





SECTION-2 Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): Instance Information




Instance Summary



EBS Release EBS CPU Level

———– ————-

12.2.12     2023.07


Instance Name    Database         Database Version

—————- —————- ——————

PROD             PROD   


ATG Product  Product Name                             Code Level

———— —————————————- ———-

ad           Applications DBA                         C.14

txk          Oracle Applications Technology Stack     C.14

atg_pf       Oracle Applications Technology Family    C.11

fwk          Oracle Applications Framework            C.11



SECTION-3 Required EBS CPU and Security Fixes




The following output is a list of patches and security fixes for this EBS CPU

that are missing in your environment.


It is recommended that you apply all of the listed patches as soon as possible.


If no patches (no rows) are listed then no additional action is required

at this time as your environment includes all patches for this EBS CPU.




no rows selected


currently spooling to ECPUC.lst

Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options


USEFUL TIPS Related to EBS Critical Patch Update Checker (ECPUC)

Here are some useful tips for utilizing EBS Critical Patch Update Checker (ECPUC) effectively:

1. **Thoroughly Read the README:** Take the time to carefully read the README accompanying the patch. It contains various usage scenarios and helpful examples.

2. **Stay Updated:** Always make sure you are using the latest version of ECPUC. Older versions may not check for the newest EBS CPU patches and fixes.

3. **Before Applying EBS CPU Patches and Fixes:** As part of your quarterly CPU patching activity, follow these steps:    

a) Run ECPUC before applying any EBS CPU patches and fixes. This step helps identify the specific patches and bug fixes required for your environment.

b) Apply all recommended patches promptly. If ECPUC suggests any patches or fixes, apply them to your environment as soon as possible.

4. **After Applying EBS CPU Patches and Fixes:** After applying the patches and performing cutover, perform the following action:

5.    Run ECPUC again to confirm that all recommended patches and fixes were applied successfully.

6. **Review and Report on EBS CPU Level:** In certain cases, you may need to review and report on the EBS CPU level of your environment. To do this:

Run ECPUC and review the ECPUC.lst report, which will provide information on your EBS CPU level and identify any recommended patches.


Please Note: It is essential to apply patches and fixes to non-production environments first before promoting them to the production environment.”





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About Syed Saad Ali

With 13 years of experience as a certified and skilled Oracle Database Administrator, I possess the expertise to handle various levels of database maintenance tasks and proficiently perform Oracle updates. Throughout my career, I have honed my analytical abilities, enabling me to swiftly diagnose and resolve issues as they arise. I excel in planning and executing special projects within time-sensitive environments, showcasing exceptional organizational and time management skills. My extensive knowledge encompasses directing, coordinating, and exercising authoritative control over all aspects of planning, organization, and successful project completions. Additionally, I have a strong aptitude for resolving customer relations matters by prioritizing understanding and effective communication. I am adept at interacting with customers, vendors, and management, ensuring seamless communication and fostering positive relationships.

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