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How to Find Request Group associated for a Program

How to Find Request Group associated for a Program SELECT rg.application_id         “Request Group Application ID”,         rg.request_group_id         “Request Group – Group ID”,         rg.request_group_name,         rg.description,         rgu.unit_application_id,         rgu.request_group_id         “Request Group Unit – Group ID”,         rgu.request_unit_id,         cp.concurrent_program_id,         cp.concurrent_program_name,         cpt.user_concurrent_program_name,         Decode(rgu.request_unit_type, ‘P’, ‘Program’,                                       ‘S’, ‘Set’,                                       rgu.request_unit_type) “Unit Type”  FROM   fnd_request_groups rg,         fnd_request_group_units rgu,         fnd_concurrent_programs cp,         fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cpt  WHERE  rg.request_group_id = rgu.request_group_id  …

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How to Find Scheduled Concurrent Program

How to Find Scheduled Concurrent Program Below Query will Fetch all the details for a scheduled concurrent program. SELECT a.requested_by,         a.status_code,         a.phase_code,         a.request_id,         b.user_concurrent_program_name,         c.concurrent_program_name,         a.requested_start_date,         c.execution_method_code,         d.execution_file_name,         d.execution_file_path  FROM   apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,         apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl b,         apps.fnd_concurrent_programs c,  …

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Query To find the details of the Accounting Flexfield structure

SELECT gls.name,         idfs.id_flex_num chart_of_accounts_id,         idfs.segment_num,         idfs.flex_value_set_id,         fvs.flex_value_set_name,         idfs.application_id,         idfs.id_flex_code,         idfs.application_column_name,         idfs.segment_name,         fvs.security_enabled_flag,         ( CASE             WHEN fvs.validation_type = ‘F’ THEN ‘Table’             WHEN fvs.validation_type = ‘I’ THEN ‘Independent’             WHEN fvs.validation_type = ‘D’ THEN ‘Dependent’             WHEN fvs.validation_type = ‘N’ THEN ‘None’             WHEN fvs.validation_type = ‘P’ THEN ‘Pair’             WHEN fvs.validation_type = ‘U’ THEN ‘Special’             ELSE ‘Unknown Type’           END )          validation_type,         ( CASE             WHEN fvs.validation_type = ‘F’ THEN fvt.application_table_name             ELSE ‘Not Applicable’           END )          validation_table_name  FROM   gl_ledgers gls,         fnd_id_flex_segments idfs,         fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,         fnd_flex_validation_tables fvt  WHERE  gls.chart_of_accounts_id (+) = idfs.id_flex_num         AND fvs.flex_value_set_id = idfs.flex_value_set_id         AND gls.ledger_id = &ledgerid  …

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How To Move Table to Different TableSpace

How To Move Table to Different TableSpace   SYNTAX ALTER TABLE table_name move TABLESPACE tablespace_name (INITIAL=64k MINEXTENTS=1 MAXEXTENTS=UNLIMITED);   EXAMPLE ALTER TABLE hr.employee_details move TABLESPACE hr; OR ALTER TABLE hr.employee_details move TABLESPACE hr (INITIAL=64k MINEXTENTS=1 MAXEXTENTS=UNLIMITED);  

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