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Manually remove ODA DB HOME

Manually remove OLD DB HOMES if odacli-delete dbhome fails

Please follow the instructions below:

1. Check if any running jobs currently:

# odacli list-jobs.

2. If none, then stop the DCSAgents (initdcsagent) by running:

# systemctl stop initdcsagent

3. Manually remove the respective Oracle_Home folders using ‘rm -rf <DB_Home_Path>.

For example:

– As root:

rm -f /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/

4. Then connect to the MySQL database repository and delete the corresponding DatabaseHome table in the repository.

(a) Navigate to the following directory

# cd /opt/oracle/dcs/mysql/bin

(b) Connect to the MySql database and use “dcsagentdb”

# /opt/oracle/dcs/mysql/bin/mysql –defaults-file=/opt/oracle/dcs/mysql/etc/mysqldb.cnf

mysql> use dcsagentdb;

(c) Find the DB id using the dbHomeLocation using the following command:

mysql> select id, name, dbHomeLocation from DatabaseHome where dbHomeLocation='<DB_Home>’ ;

(d) Locate the id then delete the DatabaseHome using the ID found from the above command

mysql> delete from DatabaseHome where id='<id_from_above_query>’;(Fill in the value of id located)

For example, (For the OraDB12201_home3 DBHome with the id value, ‘683daf6e-0a1e-45f0-9fce-75f059885bb6’):

mysql> delete from DatabaseHome where id=’683daf6e-0a1e-45f0-9fce-75f059885bb6′;

(e) Make sure the corresponding entry is deleted

mysql> select id, name, dbHomeLocation from DatabaseHome;

(f) Then commit the change and exit

mysql> commit;
mysql> exit;

Note: From 1 to 4 steps perform on both nodes

5. Start the DCSAgents (initdcsagent)

# systemctl start initdcsagent

6. Lastly, verify the dbhome is successfully deleted by running the following commands:

# odacli list-dbhomes

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About Abdul Khalique Siddique

In addition to my proficiency in Oracle Database, I have also specialized in Oracle E-Business Suite. I have hands-on experience in implementing, configuring, and maintaining EBS applications, enabling organizations to streamline their business processes and achieve operational efficiency. Also I have hands-on experience in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). I have worked with OCI services such as compute, storage, networking, and database offerings, leveraging the power of the cloud to deliver scalable and cost-effective solutions. My knowledge of OCI architecture and deployment models allows me to design and implement robust and secure cloud environments for various business requirements. Furthermore, I have specialized in disaster recovery solutions for Oracle technologies. I have designed and implemented comprehensive disaster recovery strategies, including backup and recovery procedures, standby databases, and high availability configurations. My expertise in data replication, failover mechanisms, and business continuity planning ensures that organizations can quickly recover from disruptions and maintain uninterrupted operations.

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