
Redo Transport Services fails with ORA-16198

Redo Transport Services fails with ORA-16198

At the alert log, we received this error message on the production database for the 19c Data Guard.

The primary alert log file showed:

LGWR: Attempting destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect (16198)
LGWR: Destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 network reconnect abandoned

Fri Jan 4 12:00:36 2023
Errors in file //bdump/.trc:
ORA-16198: Timeout incurred on internal channel during remote archival
LGWR: Network asynch I/O wait error 16198 log 2 service ‘(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1522)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=)(INSTANCE_NAME=)(SERVER=dedicated)))’

After investigating the issue, we noticed that our network is too slow. We encountered this error when the primary database attempted to send a large logfile to the standby database.

The NET_TIMEOUT attribute in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 at the primary database is either not set or set to a low value (such as 5-10 seconds), causing the LNS (Log Network Services) to be unable to complete the sending of redo blocks within the specified time.

To resolve this issue, you should increase the NET_TIMEOUT value in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 at the primary database to at least 15 to 20 seconds, depending on the speed of your network.

In our specific case, we have already set the NET_TIMEOUT value in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 at the primary database to 60 seconds.


Redo Transport Services fails with ORA-16198 when using SYNC (synchronous) mode (Doc ID 808469.1)


    About Syed Saad

    With 13 years of experience as a certified and skilled Oracle Database Administrator, I possess the expertise to handle various levels of database maintenance tasks and proficiently perform Oracle updates. Throughout my career, I have honed my analytical abilities, enabling me to swiftly diagnose and resolve issues as they arise. I excel in planning and executing special projects within time-sensitive environments, showcasing exceptional organizational and time management skills. My extensive knowledge encompasses directing, coordinating, and exercising authoritative control over all aspects of planning, organization, and successful project completions. Additionally, I have a strong aptitude for resolving customer relations matters by prioritizing understanding and effective communication. I am adept at interacting with customers, vendors, and management, ensuring seamless communication and fostering positive relationships.

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