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Temporary Tablespace and Datafile Management in Oracle database

Temporary Tablespace and Datafile Management in Oracle database 1.  For Finding temp file and temp tablespace with size SELECT file#,         status,         bytes / 1024 / 1024 “Size_MB”,         name  FROM   v$tempfile;  SELECT file_name,         tablespace_name,         bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024,         status  FROM   dba_temp_files;  2. Add …

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RMAN backup and logical backup With Different User


RMAN backup and logical backup With Different User Step 1: Create the user CREATE USER bkp_user IDENTIFIED BY bkp_user DEFAULT TABLESPACE users TEMPORARY  TABLESPACE temp PROFILE DEFAULT;  GRANT CONNECT TO bkp_user;  GRANT exp_full_database TO bkp_user;  GRANT imp_full_database TO bkp_user;  GRANT recovery_catalog_owner TO bkp_user;  GRANT select_catalog_role TO bkp_user;  GRANT CREATE SESSION TO bkp_user;  Step 2: Connect RMAN with the Above Created User …

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