Clear Cache in Oracle EBS R12

Clear Cache in Oracle EBS R12

There are two ways to clear cache in R12

Functional level (individual product/all product cache)

Functional Administrator -> Core Services -> Caching Framework -> Global Configuration ->

“Go to specific cache or Clear All Cache

2. Server level

Basic steps for a clear cache bounce is as below:-

Set you application environment and go to $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

  1. ./ stopall
  2. wait for command to complete
  3. ./ status -l
  4. cd $COMMON_TOP/_pages
  5. ls -l|wc -l (note it down)
  6. rm -rf * (to remove all files)
    Note:-For step 4 to 6, better to take backup of _pages by renaming it, and create a new directory as _pages at the same place.
  7. ls -l|wc -l (it should be 0 now)
  8. cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
  9. which perl (should come from $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin)
  10. pl –compile –flush -p 10 (to compile all JSPs,-p is for parallel and value (i.e. 10 here) can be varied accourding to your server)
  11. wait for successful completion
  12. cd $COMMON_TOP/_pages
  13. ls -l| wc -l (check whether count is same or more than before (pre-remove) – sometimes a little difference may be there)
  14. Go to $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME again
  15. ./ startall
  16. wait for proper services startup
  17. ./ status -l
  18. check front-end and JSPs and FORMs should open up fine

Now change in R12 context file (XML file):

parameter s_jsp_main_mode – you will find it justrun by default.

change it torecompile and run autoconfig to make the changes take place.

This will generate the jsp at run time saving bounce time, but could affect the performance.

About Syed Saad

With 13 years of experience as a certified and skilled Oracle Database Administrator, I possess the expertise to handle various levels of database maintenance tasks and proficiently perform Oracle updates. Throughout my career, I have honed my analytical abilities, enabling me to swiftly diagnose and resolve issues as they arise. I excel in planning and executing special projects within time-sensitive environments, showcasing exceptional organizational and time management skills. My extensive knowledge encompasses directing, coordinating, and exercising authoritative control over all aspects of planning, organization, and successful project completions. Additionally, I have a strong aptitude for resolving customer relations matters by prioritizing understanding and effective communication. I am adept at interacting with customers, vendors, and management, ensuring seamless communication and fostering positive relationships.

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