set linesize 200 pagesize 1000 column day format a3 column total format 9999 column h00 format 999 column h01 format 999 column h02 format 999 column h03 format 999 column h04 format 999 column h04 format 999 column h05 format 999 column h06 format 999 column h07 format 999 column h08 format 999 column h09 format 999 column h10 format 999 column h11 format 999 column h12 format 999 column h13 format 999 column h14 format 999 column h15 format 999 column h16 format 999 column h17 format 999 column h18 format 999 column h19 format 999 column h20 format 999 column h21 format 999 column h22 format 999 column h23 format 999 column h24 format 999 break on report compute max of “total” on report compute max of “h01” on report compute max of “h02” on report compute max of “h03” on report compute max of “h04” on report compute max of “h05” on report compute max of “h06” on report compute max of “h07” on report compute max of “h08” on report compute max of “h09” on report compute max of “h10” on report compute max of “h11” on report compute max of “h12” on report compute max of “h13” on report compute max of “h14” on report compute max of “h15” on report compute max of “h16” on report compute max of “h17” on report compute max of “h18” on report compute max of “h19” on report compute max of “h20” on report compute max of “h21” on report compute max of “h22” on report compute max of “h23” on report compute sum of NUM on report compute sum of GB on report compute sum of MB on report compute sum of KB on report
REM Redo Log Switch History
alter session set nls_date_format=’DD MON YYYY’; select thread#, trunc(completion_time) as “date”, to_char(completion_time,’Dy’) as “Day”, count(1) as “total”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’00’,1,0)) as “h00”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’01’,1,0)) as “h01”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’02’,1,0)) as “h02”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’03’,1,0)) as “h03”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’04’,1,0)) as “h04”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’05’,1,0)) as “h05”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’06’,1,0)) as “h06”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’07’,1,0)) as “h07”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’08’,1,0)) as “h08”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’09’,1,0)) as “h09”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’10’,1,0)) as “h10”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’11’,1,0)) as “h11”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’12’,1,0)) as “h12”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’13’,1,0)) as “h13”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’14’,1,0)) as “h14”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’15’,1,0)) as “h15”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’16’,1,0)) as “h16”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’17’,1,0)) as “h17”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’18’,1,0)) as “h18”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’19’,1,0)) as “h19”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’20’,1,0)) as “h20”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’21’,1,0)) as “h21”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’22’,1,0)) as “h22”, sum(decode(to_char(completion_time,’HH24′),’23’,1,0)) as “h23” from v$archived_log where dest_id = (select dest_id from V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS where status=’VALID’ and type=’LOCAL’) — and first_time > trunc(sysdate-10) group by thread#, trunc(completion_time), to_char(completion_time, ‘Dy’) order by 2,1;
REM Archive log generated / hour and day
select THREAD#, trunc(completion_time) as “DATE” , count(1) num , trunc(sum(blocks*block_size)/1024/1024/1024) as GB , trunc(sum(blocks*block_size)/1024/1024) as MB , sum(blocks*block_size)/1024 as KB from v$archived_log where dest_id = (select dest_id from V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS where status=’VALID’ and type=’LOCAL’ and rownum = 1) — first_time > trunc(sysdate-10) group by thread#, trunc(completion_time) order by 2,1 ;