Implement in-memory in your RAC database

Implement in-memory in your RAC database


Oracle has provided In-memory feature at base_level for free. You use 16GB allocation limit for this feature to be used without the licence.

I will take you step by step on how to implement in-memory in your RAC database for the table that require HIGH I/Os.

1. Check the size of the Table

SELECT segment_name, segment_type, bytes/1024/1024 AS “Size(MB)” FROM dba_segments WHERE segment_name = ‘<Table_Name>’;
—————————— —————— ———-


2. Set this parameter so you may dont accidentally cross the limits for in-memory feature usage in your system

alter system set inmemory_force=base_level scope=spfile sid=’*’;

3. Set the size of the inmemory, please note this will be taken from the SGA as inmemory is the part of SGA so whatever you are planning to set this value to should be added in the SGA.

alter system set inmemory_size=5G scope=spfile sid=’*’;

4. Restart the Database

5. Enable the Table to be used for inmemory


6. Check the status of the Table using the below query

COLUMN table_name FORMAT A20
SELECT table_name,
FROM dba_tables
WHERE owner='<owner>’ and table_name='<table>’
ORDER BY table_name;


7. Check the status of the Table if it has populated in the memory, it will be ditributed among the RAC instances by default

COLUMN segment_name FORMAT A20
select segment_name,inmemory_size,bytes_not_populated from gv$im_segments;

8. If want to load it manually use the below command

exec dbms_inmemory.populate(‘owner’,’table’);


9. Check again

select inst_id,segment_name,inmemory_size,bytes_not_populated,populate_status,INMEMORY_DISTRIBUTE from gv$im_segments;



    About Abdul Khalique Siddique

    In addition to my proficiency in Oracle Database, I have also specialized in Oracle E-Business Suite. I have hands-on experience in implementing, configuring, and maintaining EBS applications, enabling organizations to streamline their business processes and achieve operational efficiency. Also I have hands-on experience in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). I have worked with OCI services such as compute, storage, networking, and database offerings, leveraging the power of the cloud to deliver scalable and cost-effective solutions. My knowledge of OCI architecture and deployment models allows me to design and implement robust and secure cloud environments for various business requirements. Furthermore, I have specialized in disaster recovery solutions for Oracle technologies. I have designed and implemented comprehensive disaster recovery strategies, including backup and recovery procedures, standby databases, and high availability configurations. My expertise in data replication, failover mechanisms, and business continuity planning ensures that organizations can quickly recover from disruptions and maintain uninterrupted operations.

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