could not validate asmsnmp password due to following errorora-01031:insufficent privileges


During Create new database, It shows following errors
“could not validate asmsnmp password due to following error ora-01031:insufficent privileges”


Step 1. Create Password file for ASM Instance

$orapwd file=/u0/app/11.2.0/grid/dbs/orapw+ASM password=anypassword
Step 2.   $sqlplus / as sysasm
SQL>create user asmsnmp identified by password;
SQL>grant sysdba to asmsnmp;

About Syed Saad

With 13 years of experience as a certified and skilled Oracle Database Administrator, I possess the expertise to handle various levels of database maintenance tasks and proficiently perform Oracle updates. Throughout my career, I have honed my analytical abilities, enabling me to swiftly diagnose and resolve issues as they arise. I excel in planning and executing special projects within time-sensitive environments, showcasing exceptional organizational and time management skills. My extensive knowledge encompasses directing, coordinating, and exercising authoritative control over all aspects of planning, organization, and successful project completions. Additionally, I have a strong aptitude for resolving customer relations matters by prioritizing understanding and effective communication. I am adept at interacting with customers, vendors, and management, ensuring seamless communication and fostering positive relationships.

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