Oracle RAC Daemons and Processes

Oracle RAC Daemons and Processes



Process Monitor provides basic cluster integrity services


Event Management spawns a child process event logger and generates callouts


Cluster Synchronization Services basic node membership, group services, basic locking


Cluster Ready Services resource monitoring, failover and node recovery


Lock Manager Server process – GCS this is the cache fusion part, it handles the consistent copies of blocks that are tranferred between instances. It receives requests from LMD to perform lock requests. I rools back any uncommitted transactions. There can be upto ten LMS processes running and can be started dynamically if demand requires it.
they manage lock manager service requests for GCS resources and send them to a service queue to be handled by the LMSn process. It also handles global deadlock detection and monitors for lock conversion timeouts.


Lock Monitor Process – GES this process manages the GES, it maintains consistency of GCS memory in case of process death. It is also responsible for cluster reconfiguration and locks reconfiguration (node joining or leaving), it checks for instance deaths and listens for local messaging.
A detailed log file is created that tracks any reconfigurations that have happened.


Lock Manager Daemon – GES this manages the enqueue manager service requests for the GCS. It also handles deadlock detention and remote resource requests from other instances.


Lock Process – GES manages instance resource requests and cross-instance call operations for shared resources. It builds a list of invalid lock elements and validates lock elements during recovery.


Diagnostic Daemon This is a lightweight process, it uses the DIAG framework to monitor the healt of the cluster. It captures information for later diagnosis in the event of failures. It will perform any neccessary recovery if an operational hang is detected.




About Syed Saad

With 13 years of experience as a certified and skilled Oracle Database Administrator, I possess the expertise to handle various levels of database maintenance tasks and proficiently perform Oracle updates. Throughout my career, I have honed my analytical abilities, enabling me to swiftly diagnose and resolve issues as they arise. I excel in planning and executing special projects within time-sensitive environments, showcasing exceptional organizational and time management skills. My extensive knowledge encompasses directing, coordinating, and exercising authoritative control over all aspects of planning, organization, and successful project completions. Additionally, I have a strong aptitude for resolving customer relations matters by prioritizing understanding and effective communication. I am adept at interacting with customers, vendors, and management, ensuring seamless communication and fostering positive relationships.

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